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Welcome to C&D Inc. Cloud Experience Space
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结合自管、监管、合作等多种方式 建发钢铁集团与500多个物流供应商紧密合作 在核心市场区域布局近150个国内物流关键节点 糅合上下游多层次、多类型业务资源,以仓储服务为主场景 构建“自建中心服务点+整合产业链生态企业资源”的“物流联盟” 搭建涵盖华东、华北、华南、西南等境内地区 及东南亚、中东、非洲等国际地区的物流服务网络体系 为产业客户提供厂内监管、多式联运、配送、装卸、加工 信息处理等全链路、一站式、立体化的服务
在“科技赋能”战略指引下 建发钢铁集团持续建设“建发云钢”、钢铁物流云等平台 优化供应链运营交易环节(出货、开票、结算) 物流环节(排载、运输、定位、流向、结算) 仓储环节(进出仓、库存管理、费用结算)的客户体验 充分发挥数字化、网络化、智能化的“乘法”效应 加强产业链上下游信息共享,着力构建钢铁产业全链路数字生态圈
加强产业链上下游信息共享,着力构建钢铁产业全链路数字生态圈 加强产业链上下游信息共享,着力构建钢铁产业全链路数字生态圈 加强产业链上下游信息共享,着力构建钢铁产业全链路数字生态圈 2022年“建发云钢”线上交易合同金额超600亿元 加强产业链上下游信息共享,着力构建钢铁产业全链路数字生态圈
C&D Pulp & Paper Industry Internet platform, "E-Pulp", creates the pulp and|paper industry information service integrating market and industry information|and providing a first-hand information release platform in conjunction with upstream pulp factories
It creates a unique comprehensive information channel window for the pulp industry, aggregating industry flash news|headlines, meetings and other mainstream industry information
On this basis, it launches a creative multimedia information program matrix: popular audio and video program|「Fish TV」 ,「E-Pulp Headline」 , as well as an exclusive live program 「E-Pulp Trio」|achieving multi-dimensional presentation of graphics, audio, video, and live broadcast
Traditional pulp trade belongs to the B2B industry, involving multiple links in the global upstream and downstream supply chain|It is characterized by pulp commodity market quotations, opaque inventory, long inquiry cycles, and price fluctuations
E-Pulp releases real-time information about C&D Pulp & Paper's commodities and international pulp mills' quotes|and inventory for China, and provides customized intelligent analysis services
Users can easily learn about first-hand quotes and price trends of various types of pulp commodities|and can place orders with one click according to actual needs, securing business success
Users can log in to 「E-Pulp」 to view the latest quotations and inventory through the quotation column|in the information section or the foreign merchant quotations and commodity recommendations on the homepage
They can also click to enter individual categories to learn about price trends|and related data analysis, facilitating business decision-making
Click the corresponding button to see the technological empowerment of the intelligent auto-marketing system