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  • Financial Empowerment
  • Technological Empowerment
  • Specialized Operation
  • International Operation
  • Investment Support
  • Logistics Support

Welcome to C&D Inc. Cloud Experience Space
to enjoy new technologies

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    Welcome to C&D Cloud Digital Intelligence Experience Space

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    "LiftOne" Digital Intelligence Assistant.

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Welcome to C&D Inc. Cloud Experience Space
to enjoy new technologies

  • Trading Services
  • Information Services
  • Finance Services
  • Logistics Services

Specialized Operation

  • Steel & Iron Steel & Iron
  • /cn_static/specialized/2.gif Automobile
  • Agricultural Products Agricultural Products
  • Pulp & Paper Pulp & Paper
  • Consumer Goods Consumer Goods
  • Minerals Minerals
  • Energy & Chemical Energy & Chemical
  • Emerging Business Emerging Business
Investment Support
Enhancing Supply Chain Service Capabilities
Supporting Extension and Layout of Industry Chain
Globalized Logistics Resource Allocation
Digital Supply Chain Logistics Operation
  • Comprehensive Financial Services
  • Digital Financial Platform
Hello! Welcome!

Trading Services

Innovation Achievements

C&D Automotive - Intelligent Auto Operation System

Industrial Internet Platform

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Information Services

Innovation Achievements

E-Pulp Information Service

Pulp & Paper Cloud ERP

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Finance Services

Innovation Achievements

C&D Onescf - Supply Chain Financial Service Platform

C&D Pricing App - Online Futures Pricing & Trading Platform

Hello! Welcome!

Logistics Services

Innovation Achievements

C&D Inc.'s Digital Innovation Achievements in Supply Chain Logistics

Intelligent Logistics Park

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  • Layout of industrial chain
  • Globalization layout
  • Logistics layout
  • Digital supply chain
  • Industry research
  • C&D Cloud Steel
Get Started
  1. 结合自管、监管、合作等多种方式 建发钢铁集团与500多个物流供应商紧密合作 在核心市场区域布局近150个国内物流关键节点 糅合上下游多层次、多类型业务资源,以仓储服务为主场景 构建“自建中心服务点+整合产业链生态企业资源”的“物流联盟” 搭建涵盖华东、华北、华南、西南等境内地区 及东南亚、中东、非洲等国际地区的物流服务网络体系 为产业客户提供厂内监管、多式联运、配送、装卸、加工 信息处理等全链路、一站式、立体化的服务

  2. 在“科技赋能”战略指引下 建发钢铁集团持续建设“建发云钢”、钢铁物流云等平台 优化供应链运营交易环节(出货、开票、结算) 物流环节(排载、运输、定位、流向、结算) 仓储环节(进出仓、库存管理、费用结算)的客户体验 充分发挥数字化、网络化、智能化的“乘法”效应 加强产业链上下游信息共享,着力构建钢铁产业全链路数字生态圈

  3. 加强产业链上下游信息共享,着力构建钢铁产业全链路数字生态圈 加强产业链上下游信息共享,着力构建钢铁产业全链路数字生态圈 加强产业链上下游信息共享,着力构建钢铁产业全链路数字生态圈 2022年“建发云钢”线上交易合同金额超600亿元 加强产业链上下游信息共享,着力构建钢铁产业全链路数字生态圈

  • Mine
  • Steel plant
  • Scrap steel base
  • Logistics base
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  • Customer Lifetime
  • Domestic Auto Trade Supply Chain Services
  • Automobile international trade business
  • Intelligent Operation System
Click to Start Auto Industry
Supply Chain Service
Process Experience
Click to Start Passenger Vehicle
Brand Sales Service
Process Experience
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  • Full-chain Business Services
  • Comprehensive Logistics Services
  • Internationalized Operation
  • Refined Online Customer Service Platform
  • KA Direct Connection
  • Specialized Financial Service Solutions
  • Customized Market Insight Services
  • Full-chain Business Services
  • Comprehensive Logistics Services
  • Internationalized Operation
  • Refined Online Customer Service Platform
  • KA Direct Connection
  • Specialized Financial Service Solutions
  • Customized Market Insight Services
Get Started
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  • Transaction
  • Information
  • Logistics
  • Storage
  • Finance
Get Started
  1. The platform pioneers the integration of online trading processes such as searching for goods checking inventory, inquiring about prices, placing orders, signing contracts, and reconciling payments into a unified cloud-based trading model This enables the visualization of trading data, digitization of contracts
    and intelligent risk control in the pulp and paper industry
    Upstream and downstream customers can share the Pulp & Paper Cloud ERP system a smart management system tailored specifically to the pulp and paper industry, to meet the customers' need for finely managed transactions throughout the entire process Settlement and reconciliation become convenient, secure,
    and fast, achieving a seamless digital trading cycle

  2. Building on the integration of market industry information the platform collaborates with upstream and downstream industry partners to provide a first-hand information release platform It creates an original and comprehensive information window for the pulp and paper industry reducing barriers to accessing market information and establishing a comprehensive, authentic, and authoritative pulp and paper information service Through multimedia matrices consisting of text, images, audio, video
    and live broadcasts the platform enhances the reach of information
    Programs such as "E-Pulp Headline" and "Fish TV," as well as the live program "E-Pulp Trio"
    share industry hot topics and explore market trends

  3. Integrating the high-quality transportation resources of C&D and its partners, leveraging digital management and establishing a global logistics network the platform builds an intelligent logistics system that combines ocean, coastal
    and inland transportation, and integrates sea, river, road, and rail transport
    It helps downstream customers connect with upstream suppliers and streamline logistics information flow
    achieving end-to-end tracking of business and data, as well as high-speed collaboration
    The global logistics data is updated in real-time, and cargo information is visualized throughout the entire process With the nationwide intelligent logistics system, it ensures uninterrupted domestic transportation and supply, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week Digitalized warehouse management enables nearby and rapid product allocation
    ensuring stable supply and reducing delivery time and logistics costs for businesses

  4. The platform provides users with digital products such as "Pulp & Paper Cloud Warehouse" SaaS and shares C&D's warehouse resources,It digitally integrates and allocates self-owned and third-party warehouse resources located at ports production areas, sales areas, and logistics hubs nationwide. It offers one-stop, multi-variety end-to-end management of procurement, storage, and distribution processes in the pulp and paper industry The platform also provides pulp and paper cutting and processing services
    By establishing factory warehouses, standardized futures contracts can be created
    enabling market trading and physical delivery of pulp futures
    This facilitates the payment settlement between buyers and sellers

  5. Leveraging big data to efficiently integrate and process massive historical transaction data and
    combining it with customer market sentiment
    the platform collaborates with top internet financial institutions to
    jointly build a digital credit system for the pulp and paper market
    Based on the big data of pulp and paper transactions, it establishes a customer growth system
    covering the entire process and multiple channels of customer trading scenarios
    The platform creates purely online intelligent financing solutions offering various online supply chain financial services such as electronic order financing, electronic warehouse receipt financing and financing leases. It bridges the gap between upstream and downstream customers and financial institutions providing a one-click financing solution to address the difficulties and high costs of downstream financing

Learn more
  • Light Industry & Textile
  • General Foods
  • Mechanical and Electrical Products
  • Consumption+
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Nonferrous Metal Mineral
Ferrous Metal Mineral
New Energy Mineral
Nonmetallic Mineral

Xiamen Modern Terminal

Air Road Logistics


Sichuan Yongfeng Pulp & Paper

C&D Newin Paper & Pulp

Yanggu C&D Copper

Zijin Tongguan Mining

  • Conventional Energy
  • Raw & Auxiliary Chemical Materials
  • New Energy
Logistics Storage Network Resources
Self-operated Storage Outlets
Cooperative Storage Outlets
Futures Delivery Warehouses
Logistics Transport Resources
Shipping Resources
Land Transport Resources
Air Freight Resources
Multimodal Transport
Ecosystem Partners

Fourth Party Supply Chain Logistics Operation Platform

Intelligent Logistics Park

C&D Inc.'s Digital Innovation Achievements in Supply Chain Logistics

  • Financial Leasing
  • Financing Assuance
  • Vessels
  • Emerging Incubation
  • Industrial Research Services
  • Price Risk Management Services
  • Financial Risk Management Services
  • Industrial Financial Services
Financial Empowerment-Digital Financial Platform

Lift Supply Chain Financial Service Platform


Private Traffic Digital Operation Solution

"Insight" Intelligent Decision-Making Platform

"E-Auto" Digital Auto City

Go to 「E-Pulp」 for industry Information
「E-Pulp」Multimedia Featured Programs
Watch「Pulp Talk Show」
Watch「Pulp Times」
Listen to「P&P Broadcast」
  • Pulp Talk Show
  • Pulp Times
  • P&P Broadcast
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Learn about domestic price trends
Learn about international price trends
Generate price trends
  1. C&D Pulp & Paper Industry Internet platform, "E-Pulp", creates the pulp and|paper industry information service integrating market and industry information|and providing a first-hand information release platform in conjunction with upstream pulp factories

  2. It creates a unique comprehensive information channel window for the pulp industry, aggregating industry flash news|headlines, meetings and other mainstream industry information

  3. On this basis, it launches a creative multimedia information program matrix: popular audio and video program|「Fish TV」 ,「E-Pulp Headline」 , as well as an exclusive live program 「E-Pulp Trio」|achieving multi-dimensional presentation of graphics, audio, video, and live broadcast

  4. Traditional pulp trade belongs to the B2B industry, involving multiple links in the global upstream and downstream supply chain|It is characterized by pulp commodity market quotations, opaque inventory, long inquiry cycles, and price fluctuations

  5. E-Pulp releases real-time information about C&D Pulp & Paper's commodities and international pulp mills' quotes|and inventory for China, and provides customized intelligent analysis services

  6. Users can easily learn about first-hand quotes and price trends of various types of pulp commodities|and can place orders with one click according to actual needs, securing business success

  7. Users can log in to 「E-Pulp」 to view the latest quotations and inventory through the quotation column|in the information section or the foreign merchant quotations and commodity recommendations on the homepage

  8. They can also click to enter individual categories to learn about price trends|and related data analysis, facilitating business decision-making

  1. Industry Information
  2. Market Trends
Order Placement
Processing Management
Goods Distribution
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Inventory Check
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Mobile Approval
Intelligent Reconciliation
One-click Batch Export
Business Decision-Making
  1. Purchase and Sales
  2. Inventory
  3. Management
Traditional Pricing Process
Client Sends Request
  Trader Places Order  
  Notify the Pricing Party  
  Pricing Complete  
Try C&D Pricing APP
Try Online Pricing
Try Pricing order
Confirm Pricing
  • Intelligent Security
  • Intelligent Fire Fighting
  • Intelligent Clearance
  • Intelligent Operation
  • Service Model
  • International layout
  • Customers in cooperation
  • Apparel
  • Shoes
  • Bags and other light textile products
  • Raw materials
  • Coffee, baked foods
  • Animal protein foods
  • Alcohol
  • Core competencies
  • Business areas and partners
  • Equipment
  • Vehicle accessories
  • Home appliances
  • CBEC
  • Consumption Support
  • Copper Ore
  • Aluminium Ore
  • Other Non-ferrous Metals
  • Main Varieties Operated
  • Resouces and Acquisition
  • Industry Chain Operation
  • Main Varieties Operated
  • Futures Delivery Warehouse Qualification
  • PV
  • Lithium Battery
  • Energy Storage
  • Industry Profile
  • PV
  • Lithium Battery
  • Energy Storage
  • Coal
  • Fuel
  • Coal operation
  • Fuel operation
  • Polyolefin
  • Polyesters
  • Rubber
  • Polyolefin operation
  • Polyester operation
  • Rubber operation
  • Types of Business
  • Positioning of Services
  • Types of Business
  • Advantages of Services
  • Partners
Financing Assuance
  • Types of Business
  • Advantages of Services
  • Partners
Financial Leasing

Ferrous Metal Industry Research Institute

Agriculture Research Institute

Click to View C&D Inc.'s Price Risk Management Services
Click to View C&D Inc.'s Core Advantages
Service Cases
Experience Again
Click to View C&D Inc.'s Financial Risk Management Services
Click to View C&D Inc.'s Core Advantages

Financial Leasing

Financing Assurance

  • Building the Private Traffic Pool
  • Active Traffic
  • Precision Marketing
  • C&D Automobile - Private Domain Operation
Guide Customers to add WeCom
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Service Experience
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Operation Experience
  1. Click the corresponding button to see the technological empowerment of the intelligent auto-marketing system

  1. Building a Private Domain Traffic Pool
  2. Active Traffic
  3. Precision Marketing
"Xiaofa,Xiaofa" , open the C&D Auto's leadership cockpit
"Xiaofa,Xiaofa", this month's profit is not up to standard. Check the passenger car business data
Car inventory turnover days are too high and sales are declining
It is necessary to adjust the marketing plan to improve car sales performance
Get Warning Information
Analysis Reports
Ask about Abnormalities
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Accessible reports on various smart terminals
  1. Voice Command
  2. Everything at Your Fingertips
  3. Tens of thousands reports
  • Intelligent Mall
  • AI Register
  • Online Bidding
  • Professional Inspection
  • Appraisal and Evaluation
  • Trading Platform
  • "Yi Che Di" Auto City
Automoatic Identification of Uploaded Documents
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Try AI Register
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Try Online Bidding
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Issue a Professional Vehicle Inspection Report
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Issue an Appraisal and Evaluation Report
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Try Digital Signing
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  1. Intelligent
  2. AI
  3. Online
  4. Professional
  5. Appraisal
    and Evaluation
  6. Trading
  • Service Model
  • Global Resources
  • Domestic Market
  • Global Resources
  • Domestic Market
  • Service Model
  • Global Resources
  • Domestic Market
  • Infrastructure equipment
  • Other equipment operations
  • Click here to view the profile of CBEC
  • Click here to view the videos on cases and products of Consumption Support
  • Click here to view the profile of Consumption Support
  • Resources and Channels
  • Industry Chain Operation
  • Demo Animation
  • Resources and Channels
  • Industry Chain Operation
  • Product Varieties Operated
  • Industry Chain Operation
  • Operation Network
  • Partners
  • Service Capabilities
  • Resources and channels
  • Demo Animation
  • Service Capabilities
  • Resources and channels
  • Service Capabilities
  • Steam coal
  • Coking coal and coke
  • Resources and channels
  • Industry chain operation
  • Port refueling for bonded ships
  • Industry chain operation
  • Service Capabilities
  • Resources and channels
  • Service Capabilities
  • Resources and channels
  • Service Capabilities
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  • Business Overview
  • Shipbuilding Trading and Financial Leasing
  • Vessel Management
  • Ship Chartering
  • Vessel Investment
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  • Business Overview
  • Financing Guarantee Business
  • Letters of Guarantee Business
  • Stage Guarantee Business
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  • Business Overview
  • Financial Leasing Operations
  • Innovative Derivative Services
  • Industrial Forum Services
  • Market Analysis Services
  • Innovative Derivative Services
  • Industrial Forum Services
  • Market Analysis Services

Terminal Services - New Energy

Terminal Services - High-end Manufacturing

Terminal Services - Key Engineering Projects

coming soon


Industrial Internet platform

Click to Experience


Industrial Internet platform